Violet Bakery Chocolate Devil’s Food Cake

Violet Bakery Chocolate Devil’s Food Cake

What you see here is the Violet Bakery Chocolate Devil’s Food Cake. The chocolate factor is deep and strong. The cake itself is rich, moist, and tender. It’s exactly what you want when you’re craving a homemade chocolate cake – an ace in that regard.

Violet Bakery Chocolate Devil's Food Cake

I love a beautiful, frosted, homemade cake like no one else, but only bake them now-and-then. Because, cake. If it’s there, I want to eat it. All of it. More often than not, I throw together quick and easy loaf cakes (like this, this, and this) and call it a day. But a devil’s food cake like this one, moist with rich chocolate flavor, is special. And worth the extra effort!

Violet Bakery Chocolate Devil's Food Cake


I brought back a beautiful brass cake server from Simon Marks in Jaipur, and because my birthday was just around the corner, and because Claire Ptak’s Violet Bakery Cookbook was winking at me, I pulled my favorite mixing bowl from the shelf, and checked to see if I had enough buttermilk. The devil’s food cake was meant to be, I had all the ingredients on hand, and shy of the buttermilk, you probably do too.

Violet Bakery Chocolate Devil's Food Cake

Devil’s Food Cake Finishing Touch

The frosting here is Claire’s Marshmallow Icing, also in the same beautiful book. It’s billowy, sweet, vanilla-flecked, and a compelling alternative to buttercream. You’ll want to put it on the cake, and everything else edible in your life. It’s a frosting that pairs beautifully with devil’s food cake. I also found myself dipping berries into it, and orange segments, and my fingers. The marshmallow icing reminded me a bit of Simon’s incredible cannoli filling at Caffé Palladio. So so so so good and a wonderful tie-in to my brass server! 

Violet Bakery Chocolate Devil's Food Cake

More Chocolate Inspiration

Lastly, if you’re looking for other amazing chocolate recipes to try, this flourless chocolate cake is a favorite, and you can’t go wrong with these brownies.

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