This application was created to help traders and consumers in selling and buying cooking oil
Jakarta (ANTARA) – State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Food Holding ID FOOD launched an integrated cooking oil distribution digital application to support the government in maintaining the availability of cooking oil.
“This application was created to help traders and consumers in selling and buying cooking oil,” President Director of ID FOOD Frans Marganda Tambunan stated here on Tuesday.
The cooking oil service feature is available on the Warung Pangan application, which is managed by ID FOOD subsidiary, namely PT Indonesia Trading Company, in collaboration with PT Rajawali Nusindo, producers, distributors, and trade associations.
Currently, Warung Pangan has 69 thousand partners spread across 27 city locations in Indonesia. Through this integrated application, ID FOOD will distribute 200 liters of cooking oil per day to every trader or retailer of bulk cooking oil.
The digital system has the ability to read every consumer, who has purchased the cooking oil since it is identified using a population identification number to prevent purchases from exceeding the daily quota and anticipating the hoarding of cooking oil.
Tambunan explained that retailers can conduct online direct sales transactions with consumers, with a maximum purchase of two liters of bulk cooking oil for each consumer per day.
“The price per liter is also adjusted to the government’s highest retail price, which is Rp14 thousand per liter,” he stated.
Furthermore, the integrated cooking oil application system has the ability to monitor the availability of cooking oil stocks at traders and retailers. The application is able to read the retailer’s cooking oil stock and the daily transaction amount of cooking oil purchased by consumers, Tambunan remarked.
ID FOOD is committed to supporting the government’s efforts in distributing cooking oil through several distribution schemes.
The first scheme is a routine distribution of cooking oil to traders in a traditional market. As of May 13, the distribution of bulk cooking oil has reached 39.8 million liters.
The next scheme is business to business, or B2B, through an integrated cooking oil distribution system between traders and buyers in the Warung Pangan application.
“It is ensured that cooking oil retailers receive continuous supply from the ID FOOD group. This is also to anticipate supply shortages,” Tambunan noted.
Meanwhile, Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi said the government was readying various steps, including through the people’s cooking oil program, to address the issue of high price of cooking oil in the country.
“This program is a breakthrough prepared by the government through a synergy business scheme between SOEs and retailers or small entrepreneurs. We hope it would be a solution for (ensuring) the availability of bulk cooking oil at affordable prices,” Lutfi stated.
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