Veteran Information Fair held in Texarkana, Arkansas | Texarkana

TEXARKANA, Ark. – Several organizations gathered today to sponsor a free Veterans Information Fair in the Texarkana region.

From food to child care to housing, inflation is hitting everyone hard, especially veterans.

There’s about 200,000 veterans in Arkansas, and about 4,000 of them are living in the Texarkana area.

Organizers say veterans face many challenges when they leave the military.

From service dogs for veterans to providing medical needs, the goal of the information fair is to offer veterans a one stop shop of resources.

One of the newest programs they’re sharing with veterans is the upward bound program, which helps vets pay for and reacclimate to college life.

With high gas prices, they’re also hoping to help them with transportation services.

The Disabled American Veterans organization provides free van rides to and from the VA Medical Center in Shreveport twice a week.

“No one organization can handle all the needs of all the veterans, all the time. The needs are great,” said William Sheets, American Legion Department of Arkansas Commander.

“They did so much for us. It’s time we did stuff for them. We need to take care of the people who put their life on the line, so we have a free country. That’s what it’s all about,” explained Peter Auty, VFW Texarkana Post Commander.

Organizers are planning to provide Texarkana area veterans with an information fair at least four times a year.

If you missed today’s event, and would like more information about veteran services in the Texarkana area, visit the VFW Post 4562 Texarkana, Arkansas Facebook page.

A veterans group will be hosting an American flag retirement ceremony on September 11th.

The event starts at 10 a.m. at the VFW post on 9th Street in Texarkana, Arkansas.

Veterans and community members will gather for the retiring of flags that have been battered and torn.
