Legacy Traditional School NW Tucson breaks record

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — The Legacy Traditional School Northwest Tucson held a record-breaking food drive Tuesday morning, May 17.

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) members affiliated with the school helped raise over 1,000 cereal boxes.

PTO Vice President Denisse Bravo said food insecurity inspire them.

“With food insecurity in the horizon as kids finish the school year, we wanted to make sure that our campus made a lasting impression in our community,” she shared.

Principal Ardemis Martin says the students lined up the cereal boxes in order to create a domino effect.

“It brought me pure joy to hear our students chanting ‘knock them down’ while knowing we were doing our part to knock out hunger in our community,” he described.

According to PTO President Amy Legler, most of the school took part.

“To see that over 95% of our student population helped achieve this goal is a great reminder that Legacy Mustangs rally for our community and make an impact every day,” she explained.

Assistant Principal Peggy Fite credits parents and families of students for the success.

“We are incredibly blessed to have such kind and supportive families and our students’ generosity helps make our community stronger,” she said. “We are fortunate to help those in need this summer.”

A viral video also inspired the parent group to take a creative approach to their own food drive.

Caleb Fernández is a digital content producer for KGUN 9. Born and raised in Southern California, Caleb has always had an affinity for creative collaborations. After earning his bachelor’s degree from Pennsylvania State University in Advertising/Public Relations, Caleb went straight to New York City where he learned the necessities of production assistance, photography and art direction. Share your story ideas and important issues with Caleb by emailing [email protected] or by connecting on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.
