Easy Caramel Sauce – Budget Bytes

Easy Caramel Sauce – Budget Bytes

If you’ve been looking for a buttery, fail-safe, easy caramel sauce that you can drizzle on all of the things, you’ve found it! Most caramel sauces are toddler-level temperamental, which is why I love this recipe. It isn’t fussy AT ALL. You don’t even need a candy thermometer!

Side shot of a spoon drizzling caramel sauce in a mason jar.

Caramel vs. Butterscotch

Technically, this recipe is for a butterscotch sauce. I call it caramel sauce because it tastes like caramel sauce without all of the to-do that comes with making one. And really, the major difference between the two is that a butterscotch sauce is made with brown sugar and a caramel sauce is made with white sugar. No matter what you call it, once your family tastes it, this sauce will become a staple in your home.

How To Store Caramel Sauce

While the sauce is still warm, add it to an air-tight heat-proof container. (Plastic might melt, so use glass.) Keep it uncovered until it has thoroughly cooled, and then refrigerate it for up to three weeks. You can also freeze the sauce for up to 3 months.

Overhead shot of caramel sauce on vanilla ice cream in a white bowl.

Even though this truly is an easy sauce, caramel can be fickle. To prevent your sauce from separating or getting grainy:

  • Use a medium-sized heavy-bottomed pot with rounded sides.
  • Keep a steady, medium-low heat so that your butter and sugar don’t separate.
  • Do not stop stirring. It’s arm’s day. This caramel sauce is worth it.
  • If the sauce separates and the butter pools on top of the sugar, or if it gets grainy, take the pot off the heat and continue to stir until the two come together again.
  • If the sauce does not come together or smooth out, add a tablespoon of water and continue stirring.

What Goes With Caramel Sauce

Drizzle this sauce on everything! I love it as a dip for sliced apples, stirred into a latte, or mixed into my oatmeal. It also pairs beautifully with:

Easy Caramel Sauce

If you’ve been looking for a buttery, fail-safe, easy caramel sauce that you can drizzle on all of the things, you’ve found it!

Author: Monti – Budget Bytes

Side shot of a spoon drizzling caramel sauce in a mason jar.

  • 1/4 cup salted butter ($0.60)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed ($0.22)
  • 1/3 cup heavy cream ($0.50)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract ($0.36)
  • In a heavy-bottomed medium-sized pot, melt the butter over medium-low heat. Once it is frothy, add the brown sugar.

  • Whisk the brown sugar and butter until the sugar transforms into a caramel sauce.

  • Take the caramel sauce off the heat and add the heavy cream. Continue to whisk to incorporate the cream into the sauce.

  • Whisk in the vanilla.

See how we calculate recipe costs here.

Serving: 1TbspCalories: 69kcalCarbohydrates: 7gProtein: 0.2gFat: 5gSodium: 26mg

Overhead shot of a spoon taking caranel sauce out of a mason jar.

How to Make CARAMEL SAUCE – Step by Step Photos

Browns sugar being put in a pot with melted, frothy butter.

In a heavy-bottomed medium-sized pot, melt the butter over medium-low heat. Once it is frothy, add the brown sugar.

Whisk stirring caramel sauce in a pot.

Whisk the brown sugar and butter until the sugar transforms into a caramel sauce, about 2 minutes.

Cream being put in caramel sauce in a pot.

Take the caramel sauce off the heat and add the heavy cream. Continue to whisk to incorporate the cream into the sauce, about 1 minute.

Vanilla being put in caramel sauce in a pot.

Whisk in the vanilla. Allow the sauce to cool before drizzling over all of your favorite desserts or fresh fruit!

Overhead shot of caramel sauce on vanilla ice cream in a white bowl.


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